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Tips for New Students to Be Not Exposed to Radical Understanding

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Tips for New Students to Be Not Exposed to Radical Understanding
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Whether it is recognized or not, radicalism has spread to almost all lines of life as a nation and state. The targets of radical groups now and old times have also changed. If in the past radicalism was still only aimed at a person or group who had mature Islamic thought whose religious spirit was passionate (fundamentalist-textualist), but now, they are instead looking for “other shares”, namely people whose thoughts are immature. That’s the radical group, always confusing!

So is the pattern of radical group movements; always changing, both base and narration. Now, the radical group movement has targeted strategic lines such as the campus.

Radicalization that has been targeted at campuses is not only confirmed through various surveys, but has been expressed by various parties directly. Harakatuna has repeatedly received reports from the campus, such as BEM administrators and student organizations, about the increasing dominance of radical groups on their campuses.

Responding to report after report, Harakatuna immediately put on a body to be actively involved in the clean-up movement of radical-terrorist understanding on campus. Various ways have been held, one of which is holding a seminar on Islam and nationality to provide understanding and awareness to students.

A complete and comprehensive understanding of Islam finds the urgency to be given to students so that they have a broad understanding and are not in the same direction. In addition, it is also a way to counter narratives of radical groups that are increasingly out of control. 

Campus Exposed to Radicalism

Research conducted by the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) in 2017 said that 39 percent of students in Indonesia had been exposed to radical understanding. Unfortunately, there are three universities that get special attention considering that these three universities have become the basis of the movement and spread of radical ideas. BIN did not specifically mention the three universities. However, this is quite an alarm for all of us.

The latest, the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) states 7 state universities (PTN) have been infiltrated by radical understandings, in fact, almost all state universities, from Jakarta to East Java, are exposed to radical understandings with varying levels of exposure.

Campus exposed to radicalism is not something that does not need to get serious attention. It is precisely the campus as a strategic place because this is where the young generation and successors learn. As the future of the nation, PTN must not be infected with the virus of radicalism if they do not want Indonesia’s present and future to be in danger.

Departing from the survey and research as revealed above, the government and all elements of the community, especially campus stakeholders, should make a breakthrough to clean up the campus from all influences of radicalism.

Especially in the current momentum where most campuses are currently holding the admission of new students. New students should not be annexed by radical groups. This is what must be watched out for and the campus must be able to ensure that this does not happen.

New Student, Soft Target of Radical Group

Why are new students an easy target for radical groups? Even though the majority of new students are chosen people and have above average intelligence, when they move to the city, it does not mean that they do not experience difficulties. With full innocence and innocence, often they are difficult to adapt and choose friends / groups wrong.

From this, radical group recruitment took place. By exploiting the innocence and innocence of new students, radical groups began to enter and influence the minds of the new students. At the same time, often student organizations that are considered moderate are not good at capturing this momentum. As a result, many new students have fallen into the arms of radical groups.

LPPM UNUSIA Jakarta’s research opens all of our eyes that the Islamic-exclusive radical group has such a neat movement in conditioning students to be a part of them. In addition to dominating campus activities (campus mastery), they also move outside the campus through organizing boarding / accommodation, the Koran House, and Tutoring.

The seniors from the Education group, for example, are actively involved in this matter by making a boarding house or boarding house which at a certain level provides scholarships and guidance. If that happens, then which new students are not interested?

Campus spaces are almost certainly entered by radical groups. Often radical groups are more active and progressive in managing and guiding students than moderate groups such as HMI, PMII and IMM. This should be a note for moderate groups to be more progressive in guiding and recruiting new students.

Tips for Not Being Exposed To Radical Understanding

New students are very much exposed to radical understanding. Because of their age and condition in transition, seeking or trying to find a vision and have high ambitions. Again, in this period, there is a very wide range of seduction and the like. New students who are exposed to radicalism always start from groups / groups that are on campus. Usually, this group is active in holding religious forums, such as studies and recitals.

So, there are some tips for new students to avoid being exposed to radical understandings. First, join a group that already has a clear track record. Campus is an open space, anyone and any group can enter the campus. Want ideology left, there is, especially the right ideology. This is where new students must really carefully choose a place to learn and develop themselves. Choose an organization or cottage – if you want to live in a boarding house – which is cared for by clerics who have clear scientific knowledge and have a clear track record. Because the place we learn greatly influences our thinking and actions.

Second, stakeholders in the campus environment need to supervise students. New students need to be supervised by the religious activities they participate in. Not only supervised, furthermore, the campus can direct new students related to religious activities that are followed.

Field facts say that radical groups always use religious pulpits, especially on campus, to spread their understanding or ideology. Even to do brainwashing (brainwashing). Of course this phenomenon requires the intervention of the campus itself.

Third, don’t just choose friends. The entrance to new students is exposed to more radicalism due to choosing the wrong friends. There is an expression like this: If you want to see someone’s religion. Then look at the religion of their friend. If the friend you choose is a radical group sympathizer, then you will most likely follow the same footsteps as your friend.

Therefore, make friends with people who have a moderate understanding, not a little to disbelieve a group that is not as understanding. And follow religious studies that really study religion in depth and comprehensively. (Khalilullah)

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