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Drone; Terrorist Group’s New Weapon?

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EditorialEnglishDrone; Terrorist Group's New Weapon?
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Yesterday (16/10), BNPT and the Ministry of Religion in collaboration with the Korean embassy for Indonesia held a seminar titled “Korea-Indonesia Counter Terrorism Seminar. Your Preventing and Countering Terrorism Radicalism Involving New Technology “at Margo Ballroom Hotel Depok.

This event is actually a serious effort from the governments of Indonesia and Korea to work together in the context of tackling radicalism and terrorism, which has recently hit almost the entire world, including Indonesia.

The event which brought in some experts and observers of terrorism from South Korea and within the country made us aware as a nation that; Radical-terrorist groups have succeeded in adapting so rapidly to technological developments.

At least, there are three things that are used by radical-terrorist groups in relation to the use of technology and information.

First, use social media to spread ideology. The presence of platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and others are cleverly utilized by radical-terrorist groups to spread their ideology.

We understand very well that the wilderness of social media is vast and ferocious. This condition, once again, was well captured by radical-terrorist groups to launch their actions; poisoning social media users. This is where radicalization occurs.

Radicalism and Terrorism in Online Media

Radicalism and terrorism on online sites and media are complicated issues for three reasons. First, the media is a new communication channel. The presence of this very rapid internet has given rise to new spaces and realities in the community. And this new space and reality becomes a free market of ideas. Imagine if a radical-terrorist group takes this field seriously. Certainly, the world, especially Indonesia, will have a surplus of radicalism and terrorism.

Second, the reach is very broad, crossing national borders. This range is effective for creating a cross-country network. ISIS, with all its strength, is utilizing this. So that they currently have a fairly strong international network.

Third, able to influence someone effectively. Borrowing David K. Berlo’s theory, that narration or propaganda created by radical groups is like a bullet that heals into the minds of the public. The bullet can enter a special message to the person.

Social media, let’s call it FB, is used to spread the ideas of radical groups freely. Then also used to convey messages neatly through the analysis of account profiles to be used as targets or cadres. Not stopping here, the narrative of the ideal vision of ISIS life is also their powerful weapon to influence someone.

Second, as a propaganda tool. Through platforms such as YouTube, Twitter and others, radical-terrorist groups have voiced several propagandistic narratives as follows: 1) against foreign invasions. Foreign parties are always used as a tool to make propaganda with accusations and labels, communists and liberalists, for example. So, people will feel empathy and justify what is said by the radical-terrorist group.

2) discrediting Muslim country leaders on charges of abandoning their religious values. For radical groups, the measure of the leader is in line with Islam is to implement a khilafah system. If it is not a khilafah, it will be stamped as a hypocrite and a kafirun.

3) bragging that the ideal life of the world is the kaffah (Islamic Khilafah) system. These are radical propaganda-terrorist groups propaganda.

Third, utilizing the technology contained in a drone. Initially, the latest technology found that drones functioned for shipping, mapping, safety inspection, aerial photographic graphics, for agriculture and so on.

This technology has a very positive impact on humans. But in the hands of radical-terrorist groups, drones turned into tools that wreaked havoc for humans on a large scale. Because, it is used for acts of terror; creating a chaotic atmosphere.

Utilization of Drones

Drones become the new weapons of terrorist groups. Why is that? There are at least a few fundamental reasons:

First, it cannot be detected or difficult. Drone, there is also the term as “stealth aircraft”. The drone technology is capable of blowing air from the engine at supersonic speeds through the wingtip of the aircraft. This condition makes the drone can be controlled without fear of being detected.

Second, easy to obtain. Drones, ranging from the conventional to the most up-to-date, are products that are sold widely and openly. Anyone can buy it, including even a terrorist.

This easy way to get, with a few modifications, can be effective and terrible if used to launch terrorist acts.

Third, more effective. Difficult to detect, then without a pilot; a new and terrible weapon for radical-terrorist groups to create an atmosphere of terror in the community.

Furthermore, it does not need high competence to run a drone. These are some of the reasons why drones will become new weapons for radical-terrorist groups in carrying out their main mission.

A Precautionary Measure is Needed

Drones, in the hands of terrorists like cold-blooded, terrible weapons! For this reason, in anticipation, an effective measure is needed, such as creating an anti-drone system, a plan to prevent drones. Consists of detection, identification, tracking, and failure.

So, it is necessary to establish anti-drone regulations. For example by creating a new policy; every drone must be registered. After that, it is also necessary to make restrictions and restrictions on drone flights in certain places.

And do not forget the super tight monitoring in the borders between countries. This is intended so that no event of drone belonging to the enemy enters and damages the peace that has long been created.


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