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Clean Up Radicalism on Campus

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The radicalism mode targets two generations. First, millennial generation who understand the digital world through gadgets. Second, the generation of education in state campuses and state Islamic campuses. A group that spreads extremism and radicalism by introducing the concepts of hijrah, jihad, movement and the application of sharia under the Islamic Khilafah.

The group’s desire to encourage the establishment of the khilafah shows that their religious insights are still shallow. So even though the Khilafah system is not the only ideology that guarantees benefit, they do not understand that this ideology is classified as radicalism and extremism. Sometimes they see violence as an alternative to the establishment of Islamic law.

Hearing the term radicalism spread on campuses really makes us concerned about the generation of education. Especially if it is exposed, radicalism is desirous of a change that is considered appropriate with a pattern of violence and uses religious sentiment as an initial reason to influence the wider community.

Because radicalism is considered the real enemy of Pancasila, to the extent that the chancellors who are members of the Nation Strengthening Rector Forum are determined to rid the campus of radicalism and prevent the understanding that disturbs the nation’s ideology from entering universities. This was raised after their hearing to Vice President Ma’ruf Amin. [Mediaindonesia.com, 03/03/2020]

The Chancellor’s audience signaled to all campuses or universities throughout Indonesia that radicalism was targeting the generation of education. Therefore, their role through their policies at least gives new news to our generation on campuses so that the spirit against radicalism and extremism still exists.

Naturally, if it was later launched from mediaindonesia.com, Kiai Ma’ruf Amin responded to the issue of radicalism in an agile and decisive manner. He even said “Because the university graduates will enter every state institution and we must ensure that sterility and radicalism do not enter the campus.” [03/03/2020]

The role of the Kiai Ma’ruf Amin is undoubtedly the Vice President and the cleric who truly loves the Republic of Indonesia. The spirit to build counter narratives of radicalism and extremism does not only involve state agencies. However, it involves educational institutions which actually become a place to open new seeds for the growth of radical understanding.

Campus Cultivates Radicalism

The roots of groups that spread radicalism can be trusted because they always inspire Islamic countries in the Middle East. Where in the midst of political feud triggered the birth of an extreme understanding of religion. So that the hardening of ideology is not only there, but instead has a profound effect and has an impact on the Indonesian state which is clearly a Muslim majority.

In November 2017, a survey of the Center for Islamic and Community Studies (PPIM) of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta, showed that around 37% of students agreed on the concept of jihad to fight against non-Muslims. Nevertheless, still in the same survey, around 85% of students and students also believe that democracy is the best system for this country. [Mediaindonesia.com, 03/03/2020]

The results of this study are certainly new facts that show that the campus has been exposed to radicalism. Radicalism in educational institutions is a worrying problem, because the understanding is considered very hard to be a major threat to the future of the nation and state. Especially to the extent that the exposed group wants to disturb the final Pancasila.

While reported from tirto.id, quoting the results of a study said by Halili, Director of Research in the Equivalent Institute, “There are 10 state universities (PTN) in Indonesia exposed to Islamic radicalism. This is based on research that has been done. Among them, UI, ITB, UGM, UNY, UIN Jakarta, UIN Bandung, IPB, UNBRAW, UNIRAM, and UNAIR.” [05/31/2019]

The Setara Institute’s latest findings should not make the government and the public careless to ward off the seeds of radicalism that are increasingly fostering in educational institutions such as universities. The identification of these tertiary institutions shows that emergency education institutions understand radicalism which has the potential to trigger massive enumeration.

Preventive Steps

The words of the kiai Ma’ruf Amin were warmly welcomed by the Secretary of the Rector’s Forum for Strengthening the National Kakater, Prof. Fathur Rohman who is also the Chancellor of Semarang State University, so he firmly “Emphasized the need to develop a shared commitment on the ideology of nationalism and the anticipation of radicalism in universities. This requires the involvement of the entire academic community.”

The commitment of all chancellors throughout Indonesia is a proactive attitude and policy to continually fight radicalism to the last drop of blood. Strengthening the weak national character, mosques on campus and campus preaching institutions need to be trained to strengthen the ideology and spirit of nationalism that upholds Pancasila.

The chancellor’s forum hearing was indeed a preventive step and the synergy of the role of the government and educational institutions in order to advance Indonesia’s education that was free from radicalism or extremism. The synergistic role certainly requires all academic institutions to be involved in educating generations of education based on the true religious values.

Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Anwar Makarim said, “Radicalism or intolerance is one of the three sins in the field of education that cannot be tolerated. So to prevent radicalism, we need to go through a teacher recruitment process too, at least if there are intolerant teachers.”

The commitment to prevent radicalism and extremism in educational institutions is not enough just to rely on campus policies and the rector’s authority. However, by involving the entire academic community, education generation alias students and students, and the government understands that violence can be controlled from the realm of education for the sake of the future.[]

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